1. Design a pending lamp. Maximum size 300x300x700mm [electric wire holds it, as in Munari's example. Remember let the wire inserts into the volume]
2. Minimum interior diameter 120mm [bulb inside]
3. Main materials: volume [paper, cardboard, translucent paper, etc...] and structure [cardboard and wire allowed]
4. In a DIN A3 show it using both pictures and drawings and explain how you mount/construct your design [remember: smart+pro] all the information in 2 DIN A3 sheet* following the previous instructions
5. Scan [JPG, 300DPI] and name the file: "04_FAM.NAME, NAME.JPG"
6. Upload it [virtual campus]
7. Deadline: 09.11.2023 [23:59] Bring your first sketches and basic models for the next classes [26.10.2023]
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