[img: Balloon dog plat. Orange. Jeff Koons, 2017]


Personal symbols/logos [3]
1. design your personal symbol using letters and your initials [ex. Fundamentals of Fashion Design is = FFD]
2. design your personal-figurative symbol/logo
3. design a personal-abstract symbol/logo
4. each design should fit in a 10x10cm square
5. express -graphically- your design process
6. technique: free, but it would be a drawing (no collage)
7. compose [remember: smart+pro] all the information in 2 DIN A3 sheets* following the previous instructions
8. scan [JPG, 300DPI] and name the files: "03_FAM.NAME, NAME.JPG" [## page number] 
9. upload it [moodle]
10. deadline: 13.10.2022 [23:55]


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